Outdoor Activities, and
Educational Events in the Pacific Northwest
Current: State Resources for finding a location for inoculation:
This is the URL for the link to Washington State Department of Health
"Phase Finder tool" and Vaccine Locator map. The process is to go
through the "Vaccine Phase Finder" questionnaire which will at the end
print out a certificate that you currently do or do not qualify for a
shot under current state guidelines. Keep this print out and take
it to your vaccine provider. The second link the "Vaccine
Locator" is a map of the locations of all the registered vaccine
providers in the state by county. This is a difficult process and
requires persistence and patience to find a location. Another
approach is to call your family doctor or healthcare provider to see if
you can get an appointment through them. The third approach is to
just go to a mass vaccination site near the end of the day even if you
do not have a reservation. Bring your qualification certificate
and tell them you are a voluntary extra arm if there are any left over
vaccinations. Most of the providers do a very good job of social
distancing people, checking temperatures, and require masks on everyone
even when there may be several hundred people in line for the
shot. URL: https://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/COVID19/VaccineInformation/PhaseFinderTool
Current: Another potentially great resource for finding vaccinations is Vaccinefinder.org. This looks like it may turn out to be the resource we have all been waiting for
to find inoculation stock nearby, but they do not have our state
(Washington) fully current yet. They are adding states as they
can. It is map based and allows you to search by zip code and
right on the page it lists rather the location has vaccine stock or is
out of stock. The locations that have stock are green and those
who are out of stock are greyed out. Lets hope they get
Washington State up and running soon. https://vaccinefinder.org/search/
Current: World Map of Corona Case Counts by Johns Hopkins University Med URL: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
This site has most of the countries of the world listed and their daily
case counts, death counts, and cumulative counts. I find the
chart of daily cases most interesting as it shows whether the count is
going up, leveling out, or declining, and you can see how it compares
to the early spring peak counts.
Current: Washington Coronavirus Case Counts
by The New York Times As of February 2021 cases and hospitalizations
are down significantly from the peak this fall but not yet down to the
levels of the worst of the spring peak levels. This is a good
resource to monitor to see where we are currently. The objective
is of course to develop "herd immunity" or get the new infection rate
back to where we can trace and isolate any new cases that happen.
This is why only inoculating, or only social distancing & masks
alone will not solve the problem. URL: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/washington-coronavirus-cases.html
02/02/21 Comparing the Covid-19 Vaccines by Helen Branswell https://www.statnews.com/2021/02/02/comparing-the-covid-19-vaccines-developed-by-pfizer-moderna-and-johnson-johnson/
This is a good article on a direct comparison between Moderna, Pfizer
and Johnson & Johnson's one dose inoculations. The
interesting figure for the new one dose J&J inoculation is that
while it only provides 66% protection in worldwide tests (72% in the
US, & 57% in S.Africa) from moderate infections (typically very
good for other flu like shots), it evidently provides an 85% protection
against severe disease. It is also a much simpler fluid to
transport and store than the others. The first two provide 94-95%
protection from moderate to severe infections but we do not yet know
whether any of them prevent all infection, or whether the disease is
still spread by inoculated patients. The resulting advice is of
course still take all precautions even after inoculation. The
shot should be best viewed as protection against having to go to the
Emergency Room, not as total immunity.
01/01/2021: How Long Does Coronavirus Live on Surfaces?
by WebMD Some easy reading on how to help prevent the virus from
invading your home. URL:
https://www.webmd.com/lung/how-long-covid-19-lives-on-surfaces Remember
that infection is based on exposure concentration and duration.
All surfaces have a different half life so while paper may still have
traces of the virus after five days it is probably only a couple days
before the majority of the live virus has died. Washing with soap
and water (20+ seconds) is best because this virus is lipid incased
(protected by a fatty shell) so the soap will dissolve the fat and
expose the virus. Alcohol spray and gel will kill the virus if in
contact with it long enough to denature the protein so if it is 100%
alcohol with no water it will evaporate too rapidly and not be very
effective. If it is less than 60% ethanol (or 70% propanol) it
will not be potent enough. See Compounding Alcohol Based Hand
Sanitizer at URL: https://www.usp.org/sites/default/files/usp/document/about/public-policy/usp-covid19-handrub.pdf
12/22/2020 Duration of Moderna inoculation Antibodies/Affects.
Below are two articles, the first one is an easier to understand Forbes
Magazine article and the second is the study it is based on. Both
deal with the duration of the inoculation affects of the Moderna
vaccine. The one paragraph summary is that initial studies of a
very small group of patients (34 patients) shows that the first dose in
the 56-70 age group provides an initial jump from zero to about a level
of 40 units of Neutralizing Antibodies. This then falls back to
near zero by the scheduled second booster inoculation. At this
point the count jumps to somewhere under 1000 Neutralizing
Antibodies. This then starts to fall back to about half of that
after three months. No studies have any statistics on patient
outcome beyond this yet, of course, but projecting this forward would
suggest some immunity effects lasting seven months to a year or
more. Effectively this means that we will likely need an annual
booster shot against the Coronavirus. URL: -Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/williamhaseltine/2020/12/22/the-moderna-vaccines-antibodies-may-not-last-as-long-as-we-hoped/?sh=204d5ead4567 -Study: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2032195?query=RP
The Neutralizing Antibody count is the important chart here because the
human body generates antibodies which seek out and attach to proteins
with the form they are looking for. The neutralizing antibodies
then effectively prevent the virus from further attaching to or
infecting human cells and/or divert them to the body's waste
system. Other antibodies may attach but not prevent infection.
11/24/2020 Corona Exposure risk based on Masking and Distance
by the Mayo Clinic. Preliminary results of a recently done
(November 24th 2020) Mayo Clinic study demonstrated the effectiveness
of both masks and the 6 foot distance. The full article can be
read at: https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-research-confirms-critical-role-of-masks-in-preventing-covid-19-infection/
The brief summary is that they used dummies to simulate particle spread
of Covid-19 between a source and a target. "We found that both
disposable paper medical masks and two-layer cloth masks were effective
in reducing droplet transmission". The study also showed that if
the source was wearing a mask even if the target mannequin was only 1
foot away there was less than a 1% chance of catching the virus, and
also that if the target was masked and the source unmasked yet they
were 6 feet apart there was only ~2% chance. However if no masks
were worn at 1 foot there was a 100% chance of getting infected and at
3’ ~17% chance, and at 6 feet about 3%. No discussion of duration
of the test exposure was mentioned and this test was for droplet
transmission not fine aerosols. Nonetheless both masks and
distance appear to be helpfull! So doing both gives some
redundancy and a possible safety margin. With up to 40-45% of
sources currently believed to be entirely asymptomatic, and still
contagious, every precaution should be taken.
11/1/2020 Studies of Neurological, Cardio Vascular, and inflammatory complications from Covid-19,
by Kirsten Weir (American Psychological Association). Long term
after effects of catching the Coronavirus appear to be fairly common in
severe cases, and not uncommon even in mild cases. One of our
club members relatives caught a mild case of Covid-19 which only lasted
a couple of weeks. Then within a month the doctors believe it
turned into a secondary bacterial complication that affected one of her
heart valves which necessitated open heart surgery to replace the
valve. There have also been several reports of children
developing severe inflammatory problems after having asymptomatic
Covid-19 infections. The lesson here seems to be that it is
important to get this pandemic under control by all means possible and
not to take any unnecessary chances with exposure regardless of your
age or health. URL: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2020/11/attacks-brain
03/25/20 "Compounding Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer" USP.org sourced from CDC URL: https://www.usp.org/sites/default/files/usp/document/about/public-policy/usp-covid19-handrub.pdf
Be careful when selecting your source of hand sanitizer products.
Often the dollar store bottles are not concentrated enough or are
improperly made. The CDC has a list of product brands to
avoid. They still believe Covid-19 is primarily spread by
inhaling droplets or aerosols from other infected people but it can be
also spread by touching infected surfaces and then touching your eyes,
nose, or mouth. Wash you hands often and keep your house and
inside your car clean!
01/01/2008 Chemical Disinfectants by CDC URL: https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/guidelines/disinfection/disinfection-methods/chemical.html
This is a good guide to surface and wound disinfection with detailed
explanation of the advantages and effectiveness of various Alcohol
based chlorine based hydrogen peroxide based and other compounds.
Interestingly ethanol (drinking alcohol) and isopropyl (rubbing
alcohol) alcohol are both good disinfectants but methanol (wood
alcohol, gas additive) is not effective. Methanol also should not
be applied to wounds or the skin and can cause blindness if
swallowed! So choose your alcohol wisely. Also
interestingly Isopropyl Alcohol (propanol) and ethanol are particularly
effective against lipophilic (fat based) viruses, like Coronavirus, but
propanol is not as affective against hydrophilic viruses like